



















Buy the book & discover the incredible journey of Priscilla Houliston.

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age 17

170 lbs

age 25

 220 lbs

age 35

280 lbs

age 46

340 lbs

age 44

440 lbs

age 36

320 lbs

age 35

260 lbs

age 34

300 lbs

age 41

380 lbs

age 36

320 lbs

age 37

260 lbs



News  For all the upcoming events, news & details on LittleChanges



Upcoming bicycle rides:

There is a lot of local riding in my future.  Though the big roads and long miles are still calling me, I have these two incredible grandchildren who are growing way too fast to be away for long stretches of time.


If you are looking for a great way to locate trails in YOUR area, try this fantastic and free website >Trail Link


"I feel an adventure coming on!" - Priscilla Houliston

Near and far walks:

Never under estimate the power of a walk!  From local trails to far off places, my upcoming walks will be posted here.  Come out for a stroll and get moving.


In the spring of 2015 I will be taking a big walk in England on the Southwest Coastal Path.  630 miles in a little over a month.

The BEST way to jump start your weight loss journey:

Take a vacation, pamper yourself and experience the incredible Deerfield Spa to get your new exercising, moving and motivated self in gear!  





Want a story?  Struggling with weight is something that sadly almost every person can relate to.  Priscilla is willing to do this private and touchy subject in a very public way, and hopefully connect with people in her journey to lose almost 300 pounds.  

If you would like to interview Priscilla, email her here with your contact details.


Watch my weight go from 440 pounds to FIT here on LittleChanges!




 Site created & maintained by www.LittleChanges.com / Priscilla Houliston  Copyright 2007 - 2014  All Rights Reserved